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Refund of vouchers/discount codesUpdated 2 years ago

Gift vouchers

If you paid for your order or part of it with a gift voucher, the return amount will be credited proportionately as a credit to your customer account or credited back to the original gift voucher. The amount refunded will be the maximum value of the gift voucher. The remaining amount will be refunded via the original payment method.

Discount codes

Discount codes are non-refundable and will be forfeited in the event of cancellation or return. In exceptional cases, if an item is no longer available and the discount code is therefore invalid, you can send us an email and we will reload the code. However, this is not yet possible automatically.

The pro-rata calculation also applies to discount codes. In the event of a return, the pro rata amount of the discount code will be deducted from the refund amount and will be forfeited. We cannot influence this process.

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